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Stepping On Program Outline

Session one:

Introduction, overview, and risk appraisal

Building trust, overview of program aims, sharing fall experiences, choosing what to cover, and introducing the balance and strength exercises.


Session two:

The exercises and moving about safely

Review and practice exercises, explore the barriers and benefits of exercise, moving about safely – chairs and steps, learning not to panic after a fall


Session three:

Home hazards

Identify hazards in and about the home and problem solving solutions.


Session four:

Community safety and footwear

Generate strategies to get around the local community and reduce the risk of falling. Learn about the features of a safe shoe and identify clothing hazards.


Session five:

Vision and falls and vitamin D

Recognise the influence of vision on risk of falling. Review strategies to reduce risk of falling from visual dysfunction. Identify the importance of vitamin D, sunlight, and calcium to protect from fall injury.


Session six:

Medication management and mobility mastery experiences

Identify medication risks and falls. Explore strategies to reduce risk of falls from medication side effects or misuse. Identify behavioural sleep alternatives to taking sedatives. Review of exercises. Review and further explore strategies for getting out and about in the local community safely. Practise safe mobility techniques learned during the program, in a nearby outdoor location.


Session seven:

Review and plan ahead

Participants express their personal accomplishments from the past 7 weeks and reflect on the scope of things learned. Review anything requested. Finish any segment not adequately completed. Identify strategies to assist in safe public transportation. Determine safety strategies to protect against bag snatching. Identify strategies to assist in safely using trains. Time for farewells and closure.


Home visit:

Support follow through of preventive strategies and assist with home modifications.


Three-month booster session:

Review achievements and how to keep it going.


Source: Stepping On program manual (Clemson & Swann, 2008)

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