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Falls Prevention Tips

Safe Public Transportation


1. Always plan your route before leaving the house (use the smart phone apps listed below to help you plan your route)

2. Bring along your phone if possible

3. Bring along your Ezlink card and ensure that there's enough value in your Ezlink card for your return trips.



On the bus

1. Ask the driver not to take off until you’re seated.

2. Take the first seat – up front if possible.

3. Keep a hand free to hold on.

4. Don’t get out of your seat or change seats when the bus is moving.


Getting off the bus
1. Always ask the bus driver to pull up as close to the gutter as possible. Tell him you have a problem getting out even if you don’t.
2. When you get off the bus pause, and go in the direction the bus is travelling.
3. If you have trouble with your knees – go down the bus steps sideways, or even backwards. It might help.
4. There is often a sign nearby the bus stop. Use it to help you up the gutter.
5. Thank the driver when he is helpful.

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