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Regular Strengthening and Balance Exercises

Strength and balance exercises CAN PREVENT FALLS


The exercises you learned from the Stepping On program have been selected to help you reduce the chance of falls. When you do these exercises you can improve:
   • Balance
   • Muscle strength

You need to do these exercises 3 times each week. You can divide the exercises up. They do not all have to be done at the same time. Between each set of exercises take 3 deep breaths. You may feel a bit stiff at first. This is quite normal. It is because you are using muscles that are not used to working in this way. It is important you keep exercising. The stiffness will leave as your body becomes more used to the exercises.


Never exercise holding onto an object which may move, such as a chair. Use something stable like a bench or solid table.


  • Dizziness

  • Chest pain

  • Shortness of breath (you are unable to speak because you are short of breath)


DO NOT carry out any exercises if you are in doubt. If you have any questions regarding exercises, please ask your PhysioTherapist or contact us. 

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